
qualitative research, globalization, traditional culture, values, patterns of behavior

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Renatovna Zaripova, L. ., Konstantinovich Yao, M. ., Gennadievna Emanova, J. ., & Pushkar, T. . (2021). VALUES OF TRADITIONAL CULTURE AT STUDENTS OF ARTS SPECIALTY. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(01).


The paper analyzes the value system of students of a creative specialty. Since the end of the 20th century, there have been two opposite trends in social development: the trend of globalization and the trend of national revival based on traditional culture. The value system of globalization includes cosmopolitanism as opposed to patriotism, a mixture of gender and family roles as opposed to the natural separation of sexes; a unified fashion, and virtualization of the public and private spheres. Globalization denies the national characteristics that are embedded in the historical fate of each people and which form the traditional culture. Globalization in the field of culture means the penetration of the same meanings and values with which people endow the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world into all countries with the help of information and communication technologies. Ideals, values, mentality, fashion, methods of communication become the same. The tendency of the revival of the nation is based on the cultivation of traditions, language, mythology, and national mentality. A qualitative study was conducted among second year design students of KFU to identify the dominant values in the minds of students of a creative specialty. In total, there were analyzed 26 texts “In which world I would like to live,” in which students described in free form their attitude to the global and traditional world. The tendency was being revealed by the frequency of mentioning preferred ideals, values, and patterns of behavior. As a result of the analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that the vast majority of students would like to live in a world of traditional values: traditional gender relationships, in a traditional family with a division of social roles, with traditional religious views, but provided that church is separated from state.


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