(RE)THINKING HISTORY (Português (Brasil))

How to Cite

Saraiva de Oliveira Neto, E. (2022). (RE)THINKING HISTORY: WOMEN AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SOCIOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 3(03), 83–100. https://doi.org/10.51249/gei.v3i03.768


The present work aims to show the academic production of three great thinkers, Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), Flora Tristan (1803-1804) and Marianne Weber (1870-1954), erased from the history of the development of sociology as a scientific and who had considerable contributions in debating topics that are still of interest to sociologists and social scientists, such as the relationship between the researcher and the object, the female condition, neutrality of knowledge, religion, among others considered fundamental for the development of sociological knowledge. To achieve this objective, we will use bibliographies that help us to think about the questions posed by these thoughts, and their main research themes, as well as authors that help us to critically think about the formation of sociological thought, showing that its structuring is much broader than weigh only through the canons reveal to us.

(RE)THINKING HISTORY (Português (Brasil))


BOURDIEU, Pierre. Campo intelectual e projeto criador. In Pouillon, Jean et ali. Problemas do Estruturalismo. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Zahar, 1968.

DAFLON, Verônica Toste & CAMPOS, Luna Ribeiro. Gênero e conhecimento: um diálogo entre o pensamento de Flora Tristán e Harriet Martineau. Revista Estudos Históricos, vol. 33, n. 70. Rio de Janeiro, maio/agosto, 2020, pp. 424-443.

GAVIRIA, Luz Gabriela Arango; PINILLA, Giovanna Arias. En busca de las sociólogas fundadoras: Marianne Weber. Revista Colombiana de Sociologia, n. 26, 2006, pp. 193-204.

LENGERMANN Patricia M. Y NIEMBRUGGE Gillian. Fundadoras de la sociología y la teoría social 1830-1930. Madrid: centro del investigaciones sociológicas, 2019.

MARTINEAU, Harriet. Philosophical requisites. In: MARTINEAU, Harriet. How to observe morals and manners. Traduzido por Fábio Guimarães Liberal in CAOS – Revista Eletrônica de Ciências Sociais João Pessoa, n. 24, p. 255-274, jan./jun. 2020

SAFIOTTI, Heleieth. O poder do macho. São Paulo: Moderna, 1987.

KILOMBA, Grada. Memórias da Plantação – Episódios de Racismo Cotidiano. Rio de Janeiro: Cobogó, 2019.

KONDER, L. Flora Tristan: uma vida de mulher, uma paixão socialista. Rio de Janeiro: Relume-Dumará, 1994.

WEBER, Max. Ciência e política duas vocações. São Paulo: Martin Claret, 2015.


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