POLYLOGUE OF CULTURES (Português (Brasil))


literary text, classroom discourse, foreign students, methodology of projecting the text onto oneself, polylogue of cultures and epochs, ethno-cultural code, presupposition

How to Cite

Chubarova, O. ., Stoletova, E. ., Starodubova, O. ., & Muhammad, L. . (2020). POLYLOGUE OF CULTURES AND EPOCHS IN THE COURSE OF READING A LITERARY TEXT IN A FOREIGN AUDIENCE. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 1(01). https://doi.org/10.51249/gei.v1i01.52


The article looks at the classroom discourse that involves interaction between cultures and languages in the course of reading a literary text in the Russian language by foreign students. In particular, the authors describe the process of involving recipients, namely foreign students, into desobjectivation of a Russian text through the formation of psychoemotional and ethno-cultural projection of the text and the image of the author onto the feelings of recipients. The objective of this research is to identify the optimal model of teaching intercultural communication to foreign students in the Russian language with the help of philological reading and to create a polylogue of cultures and epochs conducted by participants of the communicative act. The pedagogical strategy selected by the authors, who are practicing teachers of Russian as a foreign language, firstly, suggests taking into account the historical and cultural context and, secondly, creating the effect of participation of the reader in the events described in a literary work. The research material represents classroom discourse that takes place in the course of interaction between advanced foreign students (В2–С2 level) while reading a literary text in the Russian language recorded on video and reflected in students’ written works. In this article, the authors suggest an algorithm of work allowing students to achieve understanding of a text at three different levels: verbal, linguocultural, and conceptual. The suggested pedagogical strategy is aimed at polylogue of cultures, encouraging not only recognition of the linguocultural code (to a certain extent) but also enriching students’ experience due to their interaction in the arranged classroom discourse. As a result of implementation of the suggested methodology into the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, broadening of students’ outlook, their effective integration into other cultures and languages, and development of tolerance, linguistic, communicative, and intercultural competences are observed.

POLYLOGUE OF CULTURES (Português (Brasil))


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