UM OLHAR (Português (Brasil))


Inequality between men and women. Chauvinism. Discrimination. Society

How to Cite

Bezerra Cavalcanti, G. ., & Carlos da Silva, L. (2021). A LOOK AT THE CULTURE OF INEQUALITY BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN. Revista Gênero E Interdisciplinaridade, 2(03). https://doi.org/10.51249/gei02.03.2021.455


This study aims to rescue the historical trajectory of the treatment given to women, under the prism of the main conditions, such as economic relations, legislation, beliefs, values, customs and culture in general, which created an ideological superstructure of discrimination against the female universe. The thematic approach was developed in a theoretical way, with the application of the inductive and deductive approach method, and the bibliographical research procedure. The difference between men and women demonstrates machismo as a prepotency attitude of men towards women. This ideology descends mainly from the family, that is, this prejudice is a cultural baggage, a great factor in the formation of the individual's social life, strongly rooted in the northeastern culture, especially in Pernambuco. The guiding question seeks to verify whether women from Pernambuco, over time, managed to occupy a space of equal importance and value with men? Hypothetically, progress has been made, but gender equality is still far from being achieved. This study aims to understand that machismo continues to exist, in addition to discussing the concepts of gender, it analyzes the roots, beliefs, ideas and values ​​in the family environment and also identifies the rights and identity of women, who despite existing, are denied in society. The conclusion is that the achievements from the legal and social point of view have expanded the citizenship and emancipation of women, recognizing them as citizens with full rights, however the challenge is to materialize gender equality, respecting differences, and overcoming ideology that naturalized the submission of women throughout history.

UM OLHAR (Português (Brasil))


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