VIOLÊNCIA DURANTE (Português (Brasil))


public health, pandemic, violence

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Eduarda Almeida de Souza, C. ., Martins de Sousa, A. ., Helena Brito Rodrigues, S. ., Cássia Morais de França, M. ., de Souza Pereira, A. ., Poliana de Sousa, M. ., Fernandes De Carvalho Farias, A. ., Almeida Araujo Sandes, D. ., de Souza Silva, A. ., Lucas Abreu Nascimento, J. ., Pato dos Santos, P. ., Vieira Martins, E., Gomes Barreto, R. ., Santos Silva, W. ., & Denilson Aurélio Soares, C. . (2022). VIOLENCE DURING THE PANDEMIC: A PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 6.


Introduction: Social isolation has brought some negative consequences, including the increase in domestic violence, especially against the elderly, children, adolescents and women. Based on this principle, violence is now considered a global health problem, and the insertion of efficient public policies to collaborate with its reduction is essential, as well as inclusive actions that prioritize human rights and respect, being a primary task of power. public. Objective: To identify the consequences of violence during the period of social isolation. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review carried out from a survey in the scientific databases: LILACS, BDENF and SCIELO. Results and Discussions: Social isolation resulted in different negative points, especially regarding the aggravation of pre-existing comorbidities, mental disorders and domestic violence. What before, most of the time, family members spent in their jobs, in schools, in leisure tasks and outings, with the confinement measures reality has changed, causing a space of vulnerability for the occurrence of conflicts and family disagreements. At this point, violence increased significantly in this period and its effects are manifested in different circumstances, such as mental illness, suicide, deaths, social and economic damage and impacts on public health. With these results, there is a need for measures to combat domestic violence in all population groups. Conclusion: It was evidenced from this integrative review that social distancing caused numerous complications to the general population, especially with regard to public health problems. In this bias, violence was accentuated during the quarantine, under the various aspects mentioned in this study, causing trauma, aggression and irreversible occurrences to victims.
VIOLÊNCIA DURANTE (Português (Brasil))


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