ACOLHIMENTO (Português (Brasil))


violence against women, reception, primary care

How to Cite

Mayra Ferreira de Castro, E., & Catão Ramalho, D. . (2022). RECEPTION AND BONDING AS CARE STRATEGIES IN CASES OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN PRIMARY CARE. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 9.


This work consists of a participant observation, built from the experiences of a resident of Psychology in Family and Community Health. The material of the study was composed of records of consultations where the speeches of the users, brought from memory and notes, produced meanings and provoked the creation of a relationship of respect between the user and the professional and also between the user and the health service. The objective of this work was to generate a reflection on the importance of welcoming and creating a bond between users and professionals of family health units, in cases of violence against women. Within primary care, welcoming and linking produce accountability and technological optimization of the solutions that effectively impact the health process, thus, it is perceived that the reception, provided by professionals, was essential to create a bond with users, so that talk about violence and could be directed to psychotherapy. It is concluded that it is necessary to problematize the way in which violence against women reaches Primary Care, as well as the way in which these users are welcomed, since both the reception and the bond allow the stories to be known, making each user and professional affect and be affected, facilitating the relationship between them, improving the service offered and assisting in the acceptance of care, modifying health practices and considering the singularities of each user.
ACOLHIMENTO (Português (Brasil))


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