
Delivery of Health Care; Multiple Sclerosis; Treatment.

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Roberta Oliveira, M. ., Ângelo Ferreira, F. ., Cristina Barbosa Ferreira, K. ., de Souza Santos Albuquerque, L. ., de Araújo Evangelista, W. ., & Pereira da Silva, A. . (2021). SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE PERSON WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: : INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Advanced Studies on Health and Nature, 1. Retrieved from


Objective: To investigate the scientific production about the quality of life of people with Multiple Sclerosis. Methods: The present study is an integrative review of the literature, carried out in April 2018, on the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis. The search was performed in the Cochrane Library, LILACS and Medline databases, where 3,472 articles were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 articles were selected to participate in the research. Results: The QoL of MS patients will depend on what the patient understands about his illness and how it is processed, so that he makes adjustments in his life, focusing not only on the physiological aspects of the disease and its limitations, but also has to face situation more positively. Conclusion: There is a need for further research into this disease, in order to obtain better control of the disease and its complications, and thus conserve and improve the health and quality of life of people with MS and their relatives.



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